St. Jude Thaddeus

Catholic Church    

5712 Paradise Blvd. NW 

Albuquerque, NM 87114

Today's Livestream Mass:

Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - 8:00 AM Mass (7:30 AM Rosary)

Click here for a complete list of Lenten Events at St. Jude.

Loving Christ,

Loving Others

St. Jude is a welcoming Catholic community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people. Our parish mission is:

To proclaim the Gospel of Christ to our local community in word, deed, and truth.
About Us
Mass Times
Register as a Parishioner
Religious Education
Upcoming  Events

Important information from the Archdiocese of Santa Fe:

Abuse Awareness Training for Clergy, Administrators, Staff, and Volunteers Within the Archdiocese of Santa Fe 

St. Jude News & Events:

  • Divine Mercy Chaplet 4/18 - 4/27


    Starting on Good Friday 4/18 - Divine Mercy Sunday, 4/27 in the Church.

    -Good Friday: 2:15pm

    -Holy Saturday: 3pm

    -Easter Sunday: 3pm

    -Monday 4/21 - Friday 4/25: 8:45 am

    -Easter Saturday: 8:00am

    -Divine Mercy Sunday at 8:15am, followed by 9:00 AM Divine Mercy Sunday Mass

  • All Day Confession - Sat. 3/29 8am - 8pm

  • Hermanos Penitentes - Sat. 3/29 at 7pm

  • Schola Cantorum - Sacred Music Concert Sun. 3/30 at 3pm

  • Contemplative Prayer Night - Hosted by Youth Ministry Sat. 4/5 at 6pm

  • Spanish Carismatic Group - Sat. 4/17 at 7:30pm

  • Legion of Mary May Crowning and Coloring Contest

    Save the date: Please join Mary’s May Crowning on Saturday May 3rd.  Mary will be honored with a procession & May Crowning before 5pm Mass. 

    Coloring Contest pages of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be available at the foyer of the church, the weekend March 22-23. The contest will have two age groups K-5th & Middle-High School. One prize per age group  will be awarded.  Note: Only one entry per person.  Remember to add your name & grade on the paper. 

  • Holy Week Schedule

    Holy Week Schedule

    Holy Thursday - Mass of the Lords Supper & Washing of the Feet

    Thursday, April 17th at 7pm in the Church. Altar of Repose Open until 12:00 Midnight. Mass is also livestreamed.

    Good Friday Service - Veneration of the Cross

    Friday, April 18th - Services at 3:00pm and 6:00pm in the Church. 3:00pm Service is also livestreamed.

    Easter Vigil Mass - Saturday, April 19th at 8:00pm in the Church. Also livestreamed

    Easter Sunday - Sunday, April 20th. Masses at 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm (Bilingual English/Spanish), and 5pm.

 Explore St. Jude

Mass Times

Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm

Sunday: 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm (Bilingual in English and Spanish) and 5:00pm

​Daily Mass:

Monday - Friday: 8am and 6pm

Livestream Masses:

Monday - Friday: 8:00am

Sunday: 9:00am

Tuesday and Wednesday: 7:30am to 8:00am
Saturday: 2:30pm to 4:30pm

Eucharist Adoration:
in the Chapel Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 9:00 PM 

Follow Us

And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."
 Matthew 28: 18-20 (RSV-CE)
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