St. Jude Homeschool Coop is a homeschool ministry where our goal, as parents and primary educators to our children, is seeking heaven for our children, community, and ourselves through support, counsel, and love within our Catholic faith. It is through educating our children and serving our Lord through His church that we all continue to build up our Catholic community in love, knowledge, and service.
St. Jude Homeschool Co-op is a great way to meet new families and have wonderful fellowship. Our ministry naturally fosters a rich Catholic environment as we learn together, grow together, play and pray together with support from parents and grandparents like you.
Some of the classes offered are:
We are always looking for new and fun classes to offer where we share in our gifts and talents to help each other out for children from nursery age to high school. The co-op offers many service opportunities where our children actively participate in Corporal Works of Mercy.
Classes for the spring semester will be on Fridays beginning February 14, 2025 to May 16, 2025 from 9:15am-11:30am in the FJCC. The last day to sign up is January 31, 2025, we hope to see you there. Please reach out to or (505) 712-0236 with any questions. God bless!