Fridays during Lent at 11am and 6:45pm in the Church. Outside Stations of the Cross on Fridays at 3:00 PM, meet right outside the Church.
Every Friday during Lent (3/28, 4/4, 4/11) at 11:45am in the Parish Hall.
Wednesday’s During Lent: 3/26, 4/2, 4/9, 4/16
7pm-8pm in the Church. Confessions also heard during these times.
In addition to regular Confession times: Wednesday’s during Holy Hour & Friday’s during Stations. Extra Confessor on Friday evenings.
Wed.: 6:45pm-8:00pm
Fri. 6:45pm-8:00pm
(No evening confessions 3/21)
ALL DAY CONFESSION: Saturday, March 29th, 8am-8pm in the Church
Monday's during Lent - 3/31, 4/7, 4/14
6:45pm-7:45pm in the Church.
Saturday mornings during Lent - 3/29, 4/5, 4/12 at 8:00 AM in the Church (also livestreamed).
Youth Shadow Stations
Friday, 4/11 &
Good Friday 4/18
7pm in the Church
Palm Sunday - April 13th at 2:00pm in the Church.
Lenten Dinners
Lent-friendly meals served by St. Jude Ministries most Fridays (Meals served on 3/28, 4/4, 4/11) during Lent after the evening Stations of the Cross (approximately 7:15pm) in the Parish Hall.
The following ministries will be serving the meals:
This is a great opportunity to serve St. Jude’s music ministry. All are welcome.
· Come Sing or Play for any or all of these services
· Attend 3 Wednesday evening rehearsals
· All music is provided
Text or call Denise Poage, 505.463.5389, for more information and to sign up for these liturgies.
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Starting on Good Friday 4/18 - Divine Mercy Sunday, 4/27 in the Church.
-Good Friday: 2:15pm
-Holy Saturday: 3pm
-Easter Sunday: 3pm
-Monday 4/21 - Friday 4/25: 8:45 am
-Easter Saturday: 8:00am
-Divine Mercy Sunday at 8:15am, followed by 9:00 AM Divine Mercy Sunday Mass
Senior's Lent Pilgrimage to
El Santuario de Chimayo and Santa Fe
The trip will be Thursday, April 3rd, 2025. Cost is $50
We will also visit the Cathedral Basilica in Santa Fe and Obtain the Plenary Indulgency for the 2025 Jubilee Year.
Sign up & pay at the Parish Office. More details provided at registration.
Good Friday - April 18th - Meet in the Church at 9am
Please join us for St. Jude’s Annual Pilgrimage Walk on Good Friday, April 18th. Gather in the Church from 9 to 9:30 am for an opportunity to pray and meditate on the Crucifixion accompanied by quiet, instrumental music. At 9:30 am, a brief opening prayer in the Church will begin the approximately 4.9 mile route through neighborhoods served by St. Jude Parish (the route follows the same path as prior years).
As a tangible reminder of the Way of the Cross of our Lord, there will be opportunities to carry the Processional Crucifix (used at Mass) during the walk. Water will be available during the walk and a light lunch will be served in the Parish Hall at its conclusion. All are welcome!
Holy Thursday - Mass of the Lords Supper & Washing of the Feet
Thursday, April 17th at 7pm in the Church. Altar of Repose Open until 12:00 Midnight. Mass is also livestreamed.
Good Friday Service - Veneration of the Cross
Friday, April 18th - Services at 3:00pm and 6:00pm in the Church
3:00pm Service is also livestreamed.
Easter Vigil Mass - Saturday, April 19th at 8:00pm in the Church. Also livestreamed
Easter Sunday - Sunday, April 20th. Masses at 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm (Bilingual English/Spanish), and 5pm.